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About Me
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I am Angela aka Alika. PSPing for 8 years, have been making kits for a lil over a year. I have two children. 1 daughter who is 3 and 1 son who is 20 months. You may use my scrap kits in your tutorials or challenges but please link them back to me. Thanks! I would love to see your creations with my kits please email them to and I will add them to my blog!
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**Forewarning** Some of my tuts are written with a sense of humor and a bit off the wall please do not take any language seriously! They are not for the faint of heart. I am making them this way to make it fun for me and to bring a bit of laughter and brightness back into the PSP World. If you have any problems with them please contact me at the address below**

All my Tutorials were written by me. Any resemblance is purely coincidental. Please do NOT claim as your own or try to alter them in any way. If you want to post my tuts in your PSP Groups, please post a text link back to this site. I love to see everyones results, just send them to and I will put them up on my blog!

Meh Stalkers
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Snow Babe - PTU Tag Showoff

Please excuse the mess on my blog, someone else did it and now its messing up with the rest of the blogs that was not used with imageshack, I will have to redo it myself and it make take me a couple days to catch up on blog layouts lol!

I made this pretty tag using the smexy art of Ismael Rac which you can purchase HERE and the very pretty PTU kit Dreaming of a White Christmas by Mystical Illusionz get to her blog HERE to find out how to purchase


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